Wish Tree (realistic fiction) is written by Katherine Applegate, one of my favorite authors. Its about a tree named Red, that has to watch his neighborhood change. In good ways, and in bad. Bongo, his best friend, is a crow. Wait, before I keep on going, I know I keep on saying "Him and His" but trees don't exactly have genders. Some of the good reasons to read this is
A. Katherine Applegate is amazing with words and expressions
B. This might sound sad, but I feel like some of the characters are my friends
Please read Wish Tree to find out what Red and Bongo experience!
5 out of 5 stars, a must read more then once
only book in series
I’ve already read Wishtree, great book, and Katherine Applegate IS really good at characters, expressions, and such. But your description, to me, makes me want to read the book again! Keep writing!
E from Stacked Book Reviews